Fords Win With The Gadgetman Groove

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Save Fuel, Increase Power, Reduce Emissions

The Gadgetman Groove!

2b9c9d6d284f85488b7ddd4b9ea372ac 2 images 2012 ford F150 EcoBoost front left side view

Amazing Discovery turns ‘Waste Fuel’ into POWER!

Here are a Few Reports from Fords of All Ages.


Does it make you want to cry,
pulling your truck into
the gas station?
In this video,
we deliver almost
DOUBLE the mileage for Gabby
on her son’s 1974 F-150 with
a 302 and a Carburetor!

Terrie Alway was thoroughly
surprised when she went
from 14 to nearly
20 MPG’s in her
1986 Ranger,
and with
FREAKY power, too!




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This 1992 Explorer, bought out of
a JUNK YARD, showed
AMAZING changes
within the
first few minutes of
getting The Gadgetman Groove!

 Billy Dawson of Corvallis, Montana
is an old motorhead, driving a
 1992 F-150.
You’ve GOT to
hear what HE says!




  Save $100 by ordering in May!



Old Marines never die!
Mario Capizzi of Mesa, Arizona
tells you his 94 Ford Explorer
went from 11 to over
27 MPG’s!
How’s THAT for rescuing
some greenbacks?
 Jerry Wadler of Stevensville Montana heard from several of his friends
about getting better mileage
and decided to try it on his
1994 F-250.
The look in his eyes tells you
he’s GLAD he did!!!



Save $100 by ordering in May!  


{youtube}5NxL5GQQd3s?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} Pam is not your average Phoenician!
About 4 foot two, she drives
a 1995 F-150 that makes
her look TINY,
but is now a MONSTER
with The Gadgetman Groove!
Deb from Washington, Nebraska
was THRILLED with the way her
1997 F-150 responded
to The Groove,
calling it a “Speed Car”!




  Save $100 by ordering in May!


{youtube}Rbg-SAey2_M?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} Deb came back two weeks later
to tell us about how much
better her mileage was
on her 1997 F-150.
      …and SMILING!

 Joe Sundeen of Minneapolis-St. Paul
tells us he went
from 10 to over 22 MPG’s
on his 1998 F-150 with that
WONDERFUL engine, the 5.4 L!


Save $100 by ordering in May!  


{youtube}JRLGa3utsTA?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} With this 1998 F-150,
Jake Puhl of Phoenix, Arizona
tells us he “Drove it
like he STOLE it!”

 Cherie Silk of Mesa, Arizona
saw some DRAMATIC
changes in the way
her 2000 Explorer
ran with this little Groove.
“Smooth as SILK!” she called it!



 Save $100 by ordering in May! 


{youtube}XyPVjIGrjmk?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} All Expeditions are NOTORIOUS
pigs, and this 2001 is no
The Gadgetman Groove
helps these babies out WICKED!

Here Denise Tennant of Mesa Arizona reports she’s now getting
over 24 MPG’s out of her
2001 Explorer!
That’s COOL!




Save $100 by ordering in May!  


{youtube}cTh8KNu-ZXQ?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} Christine Carney is a long-time
Century 21 Agent from
West Phoenix, Arizona
and drives a pretty truck.
Her 2001 F-150 went from
stumbling and stuttering to being
a screaming cauldron of POWER!
 Frankie Davis of Carlsbad, New Mexico talks about what happened
to his 2001 Ranger,
calling his performance…



  Save $100 by ordering in May!


{youtube}qp4iZxRN7dU?autoplay=0|350|250|0{/youtube} Pat Schofield of Stevensville, Montana
tells us what happened to his
2004 F-350, going from
10 to over 17 MPG’s,
with WONDERFUL performance!

Have you heard ENOUGH?

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Though the month of May, 2018!
(refunded immediately after purchase)

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