Welcome to The Gadgetman Groove Modification Store!
Here, you will be able to purchase a throttle body directly from Gadgetman Technologies without having to take your vehicle off the road for shipping, and pay THE SAME PRICE as if Gadgetman was doing the mod himself! We charge only for the modification, and collect only a core charge (varies, depending on your equipment) which is cheerfully refunded once we receive your original, stock throttle body (within 30 days).
The guarantee is almost the same, as well. You have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for 30 days. If, for ANY reason, you decide you want your vehicle back the way it was, we will return your ORIGINAL THROTTLE BODY, in the same package, with no questions asked. (Well, we might ask you why you want your money back, but no matter what you say, we will give you a FULL REFUND of the modification price.) You have 30 days from delivery date to decide.
Now, to get this started, and since we are not a parts house, we have to do things a tad bit differently than you may be used to. Since there are so many types of throttle bodies, we are going to need some information from you. With the information below, we will check to see if we have a throttle body in stock. If we have one, we’ll invoice you for the part and prep it for shipment. Once you pay, it will go out the next business day.
If we need any additional information, we’ll contact you directly for further clarification. Now, if you’re ready to get “In The Groove!” let’s move on!
What we will need from you is simple. The same information you give to the parts store when ordering something. We need the Year, Make (Ford, GMC, etc) Model (F-150, Suburban, etc) and the size of the engine (3800, 6.0L, etc). Please include your phone number so we can move as quickly as possible, making your engine Groovy!
Click HERE to request a quote.
We’ll get in touch with you shortly and figure out what we need for you engine.
You may also call our office line at 406-322-3291 and ask Ron about your mod!