Is Your Man a Gadget Man?

Work in progress

Learning a New Technology at Home is EASY!

Work in progress

You can now give your Handy-Man a special gift.

Introduce him to a

New Technology for Gasoline Engines

that he can learn

at HOME!

 at my favorite watering hole

Ron Hatton
Developer of
The Gadgetman Groove

In 2009, while I was tinkering on my girlfriend’s car,
I discovered what is now known as





New for 2018!

The Gadgetman Groove

Training Program.

 2018 Training Manual Cover Red jpg

 Over 25,000 Words and 9 YEARS in the Writing!


Each modification is worth up to $500!

If he’s willing to invest some time into

learning this wonderful new technology,


I will spend more than

20 Hours


helping him MASTER the technique!

And if he’s a GOOD boy, I’ll even help him turn it into
a very sweet part-time income!

Many have!

For only $997 USD

he can learn how to modify ALL your engines
and in the save your family

THOUSANDS of dollars
in modification costs ALONE.

Let alone what you save in  fuel costs and oil changes!


Purchase indicates agreement to our licensing

Email Gadgetman NOW for the details!

The Personal License Program

is a guaranteed


Call Ron at

You’ll be glad you did.

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